Our Impact.

There is a significant barrier, misjudgement and uncertainty between the brain injury world and the wider community. As a result, young students and older adults can be left unsupported, or even forgotten about on their way back to school or a workplace after an accident and will struggle immensely.

We as a society tend to be scared of what we don’t understand or what we cannot see, but we have a responsibility to discuss important topics and issues in order to grow and become a more accepting and inclusive community. Our understanding and awareness of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as a country is very minimal, and it’s about time we start doing something about it. The Orange Butterfly Foundation hopes to challenge this stigma by sharing passion, financial support and awareness of TBI throughout the community to help better support the lives of those living with TBI across South Australia. We hope we can work towards closing this misunderstanding barrier that unfortunately does comes with living with such an often invisible disability.

We hope to impact and create change across the brain injury community and the wider non-disabled community. Hopefully one day, these segregated communities can just be referred to as one.

Help Raise Awareness

The work of The Orange Butterfly Foundation is crucial to increasing overall financial support to individuals with a TBI by building community awareness for the brain injury community. In the first year,  we hope to work in partnership with other disability organisations to assist in supporting the rehabilitation and recovery journeys of individuals with purchasing new equipment and resources, and to continue inclusion and community awareness work.

In subsequent years to follow we hope to continue with raising money through hosting more events, fundraisers and grant opportunities to continue supporting the rehabilitation needs of TBI survivors, and eventually commencing a schools awareness program into private and independent school settings, delivering a greater understanding and awareness of TBI.

We hope The Butterfly Hour may run across multiple locations, expanding our reach and increasing our work surrounding social inclusion and community awareness.